Four things fathers should add to their morning routine

I used to see my Dad going for early morning jogs as early as 5a.m. when I was a boy. It didn’t make much sense to me why he’d consistently get up at that time to go. When I became a father, it all made sense.  Starting your day right may set the tone for everyone else at home. Once I recognized how my morning routine could impact my parenting, I became more intentional about doing four things.

While we’re not all from homes where our fathers are present and purposed, I believe God finds remarkable ways to fill those gaps, whether it’s through a community of friends or other guys who encourage us to keep going. 

Four things fathers should add to their morning routine:

    1. Prayer Prayer is a conversation between you and God. It doesn’t have to be formal and filled with big words. Start by giving God thanks for the little or big things he’s done. Whether you could put gas in your car or have a good bed to sleep in, thank Him for who he is and what he’s done. Talk to him about your challenges and the type of help you need to mature. A good conversation usually involves listening to the other person. Pause and listen to what He says. He’s often speaking to us more than we realize. Keep a journal close by. You might want to write down His responses. You can look back and highlight the places in your life where He really spoke and see the impact it had when you followed through. If you’re lacking words to pray, you can also pray out some of the verses from the book of Psalms.
    1. ThanksGiving – Practicing this simple act can open doors in uncommon ways. As we thank the Lord for what He has done, and even things we believe for, this opens doors in unusual ways that will positively impact your life.
    1. Exercise – Nothing beats the feeling of good health! Whether it’s a quick jog, a few push-ups or sit-ups, maintaining good health is both mentally and physically rewarding. It also helps lower anxiety and depression, plus you get to maintain a good physique which can boost your self-esteem. 
    1. Devotionals – Reading and studying the Bible is an effective way to grow. There are also several Bible-based devotionals can help you build a more rounded perspective on life. Especially if you’re going through a rough season, adding this to your daily routine can be a good source of encouragement. My two favorites are; Jesus Calling by Sarah Young and My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.
What have you been practicing in your morning routine?
How has it impacted your growth and transformation as a father?
Remember, you have what it takes to cultivate the courage to love and lead yourself and your family well.