Cultivating the Courage to Love & Lead ourselves & our Families Well.

I help men overcome the shame and insecurities they experience in their lives and relationships, so they have the courage to love and lead their families and lives well.

How Can I Help You?

I need tips on finding my identity and purpose to start living confidently and making an impact on the world.

I need tips on identifying the signs of inadequacy and creating a plan to kick it to the curb.

I’m ready to heal from the wounds of my father, but I’m having trouble figuring out exactly where to start.

The Focus.

My focus is simple, move you from shame & insecurity to loving and leading your families and lives well.

My coaching practice is dedicated to helping men clarify their identity and purpose, tackle the feelings of inadequacy, and heal from the wounds of their fathers so they are free and courageous to live their lives.

I've Worked With

Want to live a life that you're clear and passionate about? I've got you covered in this FREE 4 day e-course!

Take a Free Course.

The 4 Part Framework to Clarifying Your Identity and Living a Purposeful Life.

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coaching packages

Group Coaching

  • Intensive 3 months (10 one hour group sessions)
  • 3 months of email support between calls
  • Coaching tools and “life-work” / success exercises
  • Kickstart quiz to identify current challenges

Breakthrough Life

  • Intensive 3 months (10 one hour sessions in 3 months)
  • PLUS an additional 10 sessions to be used over the following 12 months
  • PLUS a full day together to dig into specific areas at a local retreat center
  • Coaching tools and “life-work” / success exercises
  • Mind Maps
  • Kickstart quiz to identify current challenges

The blog


Teko has helped me not be so hard on myself and shift my perspective outside of my own emotions and circumstances, allowing me to see a bigger picture of who I am as a husband, father, and man. He’s helped me walk myself out of my shame and blame and back into a place of strength and perseverance.

Marketing Consultant

I’m so impressed with Teko’s ability to analyze my situations precisely. Even from a distance, you know where my problems are way before I notice them and can guide me on how to work through them. Thank you for being an understanding, encouraging and supportive coach.

Medical Doctor

Teko helped me through a time I was confused about my direction, and struggling with how to love my wife the way she needed. He suggested books and resources that proved valuable. Teko cares deeply about helping men succeed.


I’m a father of five kids & Teko provided me with great insights into fatherhood. By witnessing his intentionality with his sons, Teko helped me find the right priorities and letting my “yes be yes.” Teko asked pointed questions about my priorities and relationships with my kids. He prayed with me to get the Lord’s guidance and he helped me make practical decisions. Teko’s brotherly coaching is simple yet profound. He lives kingdom fatherhood and can help other men do the same.


When I signed up for coaching I was unsure about what would happen through this process. I was hopeful that I would learn more about myself and my relationships, spiritually, personally, professionally and emotionally. Allowing for an experienced and caring coach to walk through exploring the causes of my own struggles, my negative thoughts, the ways I’ve been hurt and the ways I’ve hurt others has been illuminating. God has used the time with Teko to show me more about myself in a few short weeks than I learned about myself in the past few years.

Medical Doctor

When Teko and I started coaching sessions I was struggling with several areas of my life that felt stuck and stagnant. I was interested in making a career change but didn’t know how to navigate that season. Unsure of my path I had trouble setting healthy boundaries with my family and peers & blindspots in my own identity in Christ. With Teko´s coaching I have seen great progress that is based on identity instead of actions, and ironically that ends up in progress within my personal duties. My personal relationships have a different & better quality to them. My growth has been radically accelerated because of his coaching. Teko has an amazing ability to not only listen, but give you feedback in areas you didn't even consider. His coaching goes deep into the root of who you are, not what you do, and as a christian I consider that incredibly valuable.


As a young man who has struggled with anger, anxiety, and other emotional issues, I came to uncover a lot of it was related to previous father wounds. Teko's work in investigating this issue from a male perspective was a breath of fresh air. His inquisitive nature, careful discernment, and positive outlook I found in his videos really encouraged me to do the work of processing my emotions and experiences. This has led to emotional growth and made me a better dad to my boys.


Hello, I'm Teko.

I’m a former community developer turned life coach and entrepreneur. Here at Teko Bailey Coaching, I’ll equip you with the tools and resources that I have used to transform the lives of men from various backgrounds who have struggled with insecurity, shame, the pain of father wounds and finding their purpose and identity. Together we’ll dig through the limiting beliefs holding you back and empower you to become your best self, so you can love and lead your lives and family well.

© COPYRIGHT teko bailey coaching. 2021 • SITE DESIGN BY GABRIELLE BAILEY.