three ways you can be present for your family

The daily demands of life can significantly impact how you show up for your family, and though you’re strategic to meet the demands, you may come up short. You’re left feeling like you should have been there more, and you beat yourself up for not doing that.

We’ve all been there, more often than we wish to admit. The great thing is that if you’re here, you’re a husband or father who wants to improve.

So, here are three ways to practice being present with your family.  

1. Put your phone down

Stop trying to multitask between your messages and your kids. Training your mind to focus at first is hard, but it gets easier with practice. Have a clear plan about what you want to do with your children and the time you want to do those things. Then, block those times on your calendar.

2. Get down to your child's level.

Seriously. Kneel down or lie down if they’re on the ground throwing a tantrum but get down to their eye level. Pay attention to what they are saying when you’re down on their level. These moments of connection can be quick, but the bond they create lasts forever.

3. Schedule one-on-one times with each child

Adults need one-on-one moments to connect and build relationships, and so do your kids. Planning specifically for the child you’re spending time with is the key to making this work. Plan to do the things they love, things that are unique to them and is bound to fill their love tank. More importantly, make sure they know you are present and available and that you love them.

By consistently practicing these three habits, you’ll build a strong, trusting relationship with your kids that even when life’s demands get tough, your children will feel secure telling you they need your presence. Also, feel free to add your practices to this list as you continue to show in their lives.